Encouraging Employees to Use Telehealth Services


As COVID-19 cases continue to surge across the country amid flu season, telehealth services offer access to quick, convenient and affordable care. In 2020, there was a significant increase nationally in telehealth utilization. Now, many providers and hospitals are encouraging patients to utilize telehealth services instead of coming to the office or hospital for non-life-threatening care.

Benefits of Telehealth

Although it’s a newer type of health care service, the modern telehealth platforms are generally user-friendly and operate similarly to other video call platforms. There are many benefits of telehealth services, which include, but are not limited to:

  • • Minimized risk to health care workers and patients by limiting exposure to the coronavirus and other diseases
  • • Improved health care outcomes due to increased access to care
    • Greater ability for patients to follow shelter-in-place restrictions or suggestions
    • • Increased convenience due to receiving care in the comfort of one’s home
    • • Potentially increased cost savings, depending on the health plan

    Educating Employees

    Once telehealth services are explained to employees, they may be more willing to embrace the offering. Using these services can help them stay healthy and access convenient care during these uncertain times. Be sure to provide easy-to-understand educational resources to explain what telehealth is, what it should and shouldn’t be used for, and how your health plan treats telehealth services.

    For more information on telehealth, contact us today. Read More

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