
Do you know your heart disease risk level? Take the quiz

below to find out.

1. What’s your blood pressure?

a. Below 120/80 (0)

b. Between 120/80 and 140/90 (+1)

c. Above 140/90 (+3)

d. Don’t know (+1)

2. What’s your cholesterol?

a. HDL (“good cholesterol) above 50, LDL

(“bad” cholesterol) below 130,

triglycerides (fat levels in the blood) less

that 150 (0)

b. Any of the following: HDL below 50, LDL

above 130, triglycerides above 150 (+2)

c. Don’t know (+1)

3. How often do you eat fried foods?

a. Once a month (+1)

b. Several times a month (+2)

c. Never (0)

4. Does anyone in your family have heart


a. Yes, my mother had problems before

age 65, or my father before age 55 (+2)

b. No (0)

c. Don’t know (+1)

5. On a typical weekend night, you:

a. Have one glass of wine or beer (+1)

b. Have more than one glass of alcohol


c. Skip the alcohol (0)

6. How many cigarettes have you smoked this


a. None (0)

b. Just a few (+3)

c. Half a pack or more each day (+8)

7. How many colors were in your last meal?

a. 1 – for example, chicken and rice (+2)

b. 2 to 4 – some vegetables (+1)

c. 4 or more – for example, a salad and

some vegetables (0)

8. How do you feel after climbing three flights

of stairs?

a. Fine or even energized (0)

b. Winded (+1)

c. Who knows? I never climb stairs (+2)

9. What’s your body mass index (BMI)*?

a. 18.5 to 24.9 (0)

b. 25 to 29.9 (+1)

c. 30 or above (+2)

*To find out your BMI, visit www.nhlbi.nih.gov/guidelines/obesity/BMI/bmicalc.htm

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