The key to preventing work-related neck and back injuries is to evaluate your workstation and make sure it is ergonomically correct and promotes good posture. The discomfort and pain from slouching at a desk all day is very common, with many office workers suffering pain at least once a week. If you are working at an ergonomically incorrect workstation or practice poor posture, you can suffer from neck, shoulder, wrist and elbow discomfort.

Good Posture Tips

Avoid unnecessary discomfort at work by focusing on your posture and making your workstation ergonomically appropriate.

Typically, aches and pains from office work stem from physical stress due to prolonged and awkward positions, repetitive motions and overuse. When applied to your workstation, these helpful tips will help promote good posture and correct ergonomics:

  • • Chair position—Adjust the height of your chair so that your feet rest comfortably on the floor, with your knees about level with your hips, making sure your seat is not pressing against the back of your knees.
  • • Back support—Keep your backbone straight, shoulders back, abdomen and buttocks pulled in, and chin tucked. If your chair does not allow this, try placing a cushion between the curve of your lower back and the back of the chair.
  • • Computer monitor—Position your monitor 18 to 30 inches from your eyes. The top of your screen should be at eye level or below so you look slightly down at your work. If glare is a problem, turn off some or all overhead lights and close blinds if possible.
  • • Headsets—Use a headset if you frequently talk on the phone and type or write at the same time.
  • • Wrist rest—Keep your wrists in a straight, natural position when using your keyboard. Do not use your wrist rest while typing. Use it to take occasional breaks from typing.
  • • Mouse—Place your mouse to the side of your keyboard so you do not have to reach too far to use it.


Sitting at a desk all day, even with the best posture and ergonomics, can still be stressful on your body. On average, your body can only tolerate one position for about 20 minutes before needing readjustment. Taking a one-minute break every 20 minutes is helpful.

Health and wellness tips for your work, home and life—brought to you by the insurance professionals at Deutsch & Associates, LLC  Read More (pdf)

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